Before you can take your practical exam or intermediate test, you must pass your theory at the CBR. Only when you have obtained your theory certificate, I can schedule a test or practical exam for you. From the moment you get your theory, the certificate is valid for a year and a half. To pass your theory on time, you have to start learning and apply for the exam at the CBR. If you find learning theory difficult, it is advisable to start early!
Theory exam step by step:
- Start on time and make sure you have a good command of your theoretical knowledge. You can purchase from me a login code of the excellent online theory course from iTheorie, for €40. Be sure that after the course, you take lots of practice exams. These are included with the iTheorie-online course. But you can also find your own course that suits you well. Do you like a theory book? I can help you with that too!
- Once you have mastered the theory you can schedule your own exam with the CBR. My advice: plan early, so you can always schedule another exam if necessary!
- Good luck!